Finally, the expulsive love song that you hear everyone shouting about, "Puke For Love". The gameshow wheel of pleasure, pain and unbeatable prices spins on, a trillion souls trapped and rolling along inside, knowing full well the termination of their credit d'amour and yet screaming for more. Puke For Love is a fair trade; everybody wins. This one's a tribute to the gr8st hurt of all, y'all.
Sky Mall would like to welcome back our listeners, viewers and readers with the first in a pair of high-impact singles. CH Rom has been slopping away in his lavish scented home studio, trying a little harder each day to bring you the golden product. Now, CH enjoys the warm aid of other/new/nastier Roms:
Roxy Hilton aka "Rox Rom"
Bob-Katt "Bob Rom"
KZ Boo-Hoo "K Rom"
Tonight's love song is one we are deeply pleased to deposit upon u.
Lyrics & Passionate/Compelling Behind-The-Scenes available upon direct request! Same goes for Down-Loads and other ephemera and lifetime merchandise.