video by Chris Rice
Dear friend and collaborator The Chris Rice accompanied me on a spiritually refreshing tour of the Jackie Robinson parkway. The sight of Oakwoods, Lovebirches and Dogdingles rushing by at 130mph gave me chills and goosepimples right up and down my face. Paying a close and deep attention to the road, I indulged my recently credit-loaned Oculomod® range-adjustable periphery vision to catch The Chris sweating rose water and ceaselessly writhing and contorting his limbs as he filled the space of his seat in a deeply perverse manner; his back arched and his body forming a perfect half-crescent, convex with chest out, he appeared pregnant with alien life.
Through all this, the Chris held his video recorder rockfirm, and with my steady wheel hand keeping us straight and pretty, we were on our way to a rich harvest. Where the mundane in heated passion meets with the maniacal, and paradise is offered up every 1 and 1/4 miles, where dreams recede ever deeper into the cosmic wastebin of our collective psyche, the Jackie Robinson sprawls out invitingly like a gargantuan meowcat, beckoning you to scatter yr aching burning visions along its purring ridges. Need and wanton desire bear many of us out onto this pilgrimage weekly and daily, so watch these visions close, as they may be yr own.
music>> CH-Rom
video>> Chris Rice